Your personality type influences the way you best learn new things. With a mix of personality and learning type, this geared towards language specifically.
When you know what type of learner you are, you can focus in on the activities that are best for you, in order to learn your target language with ease and speed.
zero to hero, boosts self confidence, your brain does rewiring and 'keeps your brain young, more adaptable, stronger, healthier' 'you might discover something you love' I know I did! My husband.
How are you doing on your language learning journey? Have you been feeling stuck? Unmotivated? Uninterested? Take this quiz and get some tips for learning, uncovering your potential, getting to where you want to be
after you take it, you'll get help 'others are scared too, you're not alone'
When in your comfort zone, your brain doesn't want anything to change. ... Getting out of your comfort zone from time to time creates just enough good stress to ramp up your focus, creativity, pace, and drive, and it helps you respond to life stress when unexpected things happen.
Think of your comfort zone as a moveable electric fence. Each time you do something differently you feel a little shock, but the fence reacts and moves back a little from where you touched it. When you do something major that's quite uncomfortable for you, it's like leaning against that electric for more than a few seconds, your whole body gets buzzed, but then when you pull off, the fence has moved a bit more. The fence moves with you depending on what you do. If you are continually pushing limits, the fence goes wider and wider. If you are consistently doing less, your fence starts to shrink inwards.
3 wolf moon you probably haven't heard of As your comfort zone expands, you will see new opportunities previously obscured by barriers of your own making.
Pushing your limits beyond anything you ever thought possible isn't something people normally do in one huge leap. It's consistent small things that over time show big results.
Doing hard things or things you previously thought you couldn't do are always easier than you imagine them to be in your head.